Smashing 18 hole event at Dundas Valley Golf Club, Dundas
Celebrate the Smashing Girls and all the supporters of Smashing over the last 7 years!
AND Help Far celebrate her 50th b'day! (Oct 7th- there may be some shenanigans! )
This is a score keeping event with prizes - we are playing a step aside scramble format
- Celebrate, have fun, keep score and play by the rules!
- Build relationships and network in a fun relaxed 18 hole tournament!
- Celebrate the success of the Smashing program
- Swag and ridiculous fun
- Registration begins at 10:00 am. Clinics run from 1030- 1130: Tee time at 12noon
- Enjoy 18 holes on course activities and dinner and maybe some dancing and celebrating. There are showers and locker room facilities available to change into dancing clothes for dinner! ( optional- golf clothes work just fine as well! )
- Golf Cart, green fees, fun prizes and endless fun Included. Rental clubs not available
- Proper dress code required- no denim please.
Presenting Sponsor:
Sharon Ruddy & Betty Hildebrand